Presented with:
With content from:
If you have the WANT, BSC has the ultimate resource guide that will help you plan sustainable and effective local economic development (LED), foreign direct investment (FDI), and Destination Marketing campaigns.
You may not have a big budget but you have a BIG vision for your municipality’s future.
You have a passion to improve the community you live in.
Get ready to roll up your sleeves and immerse yourself in the process.
The Campaigns to Attract Investment, Talent & Tourism is for new or seasoned professionals looking to create campaigns that increase FDI, attract talent for workforce development, or improve destination marketing.
Public Sector Digest and Build Strong Cities have partnered to put together an eCourse loaded with digital resources to help you achieve your local economic development goals!
We’ve also brought on Bowda PR, the Conference Board of Canada, and Miller Thomson LLP to lend expert advice on digital media, economic indicators, and legal considerations for local economic development, foreign direct investment, and destination marketing.
Our multi-media program gives you a step-by-step guide on how to revitalize your municipal marketing campaigns and leverage them for local economic development.
“We are living in a world where cities make the economy of the country. Kadie is a unique specialist in marketing and branding with great experience in Canada and all over the world. She helped us understand how to position our cities so investors know about them and will be interested in coming here.”
Oleksander Kucherenko, Municipal Local Economic Development, Ukraine
What you’ll get

A 60 minute webinar introducing you to our multi-media self-directed eCourse which includes downloadable resources and templates with “done for you” resources that support your work. Our eCourse includes:
- Overview of the 7 stages to develop or revitalize your place brand
- An in-depth case studies of municipal local economic development and foreign direct investment campaigns
- 4 steps to successfully launching a place branding campaign
- Behind the Scenes Campaign Launch including sample campaign budgets
- 3 videos highlighting important marketing concepts for LED campaigns and marketing:
- video – 8 types of advertising campaigns that support local economic development.
- video – 7 common traits of an effective ad.
- video – Messaging Matrix, the one tool every economic development marketer needs
- Conference Board of Canada webinar on “How to use Economic Analysis to Support Local Economic Development”
- 3 Public Sector Digest Articles including:
- “The Role of the City/County Manager in Economic Development”
- “The City of Ottawa’s Innovative Approach to Economic Development”
- “Place Branding for Municipalities: Valuable Ecdev Tool or Waste of Money?”
- 3 eBooks explaining fundamental concepts including:
- “Top 10 Economic Indicators to Consider and Compare for Local Economic Development”
- “Legal Considerations for Business Growth & Retention, Foreign Direct Investment, and Workforce Development”
- “Top 10 Social and Digital Strategies and Tools to Support Local Economic Development”
Proven Methodology
Content in the Campaigns to Attract Investment, Talent, & Tourism is based on a methodology I’ve presented to over 45 cities from 12 countries.
Communities with populations as small as 7,500 to cities with over 1million people, have been able to apply this process to their local circumstances.
“Kadie brings enthusiasm and an interesting combination of tools to help us learn the foundations of economic development and marketing. Our member cities were grateful for the insight she shared, and are actively implementing it in their communities to support local economic growth.”
Ngo Thi Tam, Association of Cities of Vietnam
Valuable Resources
Both your marketing budget and time are tight, but you want to create a campaign that generates impact for your community. Our “done for you” resources support your work, ensuring maximum impact.
These resources include:
- How to define a Messaging Matrix for your community.
- How to choose which type of campaign supports your economic development objectives.
- Cheat sheet on how to create an ad that supports your local economic development campaign goals.
- Cheat sheet outline the best tools for social and digital media in local economic development
Behind the Scenes Bonus
This Bonus Behind the Scenes provides you with an overview of a target economic development campaign created and launched by a mid-sized Canadian city.
- How they defined their campaign objectives, audience, and key messaging?
- Media approach and budget.
- Developing and delivering Creative Content.
- Disruptive marketing techniques.
- How they measured success?
- Recorded interview with the City Brand Manager, and Mastermind behind the campaign.
Campaigns to Attract Investment, Talent, & Tourism gives you the processes and tools to take your economic development campaigns to a higher level.
Roll up your sleeves.
Let us help you, help your community.
Ready to get started? Order below. Immediately following your order you’ll be given access to this eCourse including:
- A Multimedia Case Studies
- Overview of our proven Campaigns for Local Economic Development Methodology
- 3 videos with additional campaign and marketing insight
- 3 eBooks highlighting key local economic development activities
- 3 Public Sector Digest Articles
- 4 Downloadable worksheets to help you plan and manage your branding campaigns
- Bonus – Behind the Scenes of a Campaign Creation Case Study
- Bonus – Audio interview with a place branding campaign master mind
- PLUS: All registrants will receive 10% off a Public Sector Digest Subscription
Available online for $299.00
EDAC will accredit this workshop for 1 point towards your Ec.D. Designation.