After working with over 80 cities from 16 countries I realized one thing: cities around the world are remarkably unique in exactly the same way.
They were founded on historic and important trade routes, they have an authentic historical downtown with a distinct architectural heritage, nice park, are found in the centre and around the city, they have investment from leading companies in an important sector, thriving arts, culture and great cuisine.
I think you get the picture.
If your goal is to attract talent for workforce development, increase foreign direct investment, tourism or trade you need to discover what really sets your community, city, or country apart.
Place Branding Discovery Strategy will give you the process and plan to achieve it.
Build Strong Cities offers a two-day in-house intensive training that teaches effective place brand discovery strategies for economic development professionals who want greater impact from their community development and foreign direct investment campaigns.
We give you tools like our Place Branding Messaging Matrix to define your target audience, hone your message, and make an action plan to succeed.
Our consulting services related to place branding also include:
- Internal and external market research & communications audit
- Stakeholder engagement
- Articulating the place brand; creative brand development including word mark, positioning statement and messaging matrix
- Place branding campaigns; campaign architecture, media planning and creating collateral.
If you are ready to deliver at your highest level and increase your economic development, place branding and marketing outreach, we’re here to support you.