Community Economic Development Consulting
We work with community economic development leaders who want greater impact. BSC is celebrated for our divergent approach to economic revitalization and marketing. We’re passionate about working with people who care about the future of communities, cities, and countries. Our consultation process helps you plan and promote long-term sustainable growth so you can inspire your community and leave a legacy.
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Foreign Direct Investment
How to attract investment in an increasing globalized yet fractured economy? Build Strong Cities can help and answer that question and support your community. If you are ready to deliver at your highest level and increase your foreign direct investment, we’re here to support you.
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Trade and Diplomacy
BSC is here to help you recognize similarities in seemingly unconnected situations and find opportunity for your organization or municipality within different contexts in order to facilitate international trade. Contact us if you are thinking about how you community, city or country can leverage Canada’s various trade agreements.
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Place Branding and Discovery Strategy
After working with over 80 cities from 16 countries I realized one thing: cities around the world are remarkably unique in exactly the same way. Build Strong Cities offers a two-day in-house intensive training that teaches effective place brand discovery strategies.
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Place Branding Marketing Intensive
Whether you are new to economic development or a seasoned professional the Place Branding Marketing Intensive will challenge you to deliver at your highest level. It’s is designed to turn your place branding and place marketing campaigns into programs that fuel prosperity for community development.
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Place Branding Campaigns Easy Launch
You may not have a big budget, but you have a BIG VISION for the future of your community. If you have the desire, we have the ultimate do it yourself guide. Our Place Branding Campaigns Easy Launch gives you a step-by-step program on how to revitalize your community, city, or country brand, and successfully launch it. Get ready to roll up your sleeves and immerse yourself in the process.
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